Patrick Taillard
Fly and lures fishing-guide for trout, grayling, and predators.
You want to learn or perfect these fishing techniques, live intensely privileged moments , or just share moments of relaxation in sumptuous frames of Correze , Cantal, Lot or Cevennes : therefore, whatever your age and level let us help you ...…
Fly fishing
Guided fly fishing for trout or grayling
After evaluating together your technical level, and depending on river profiles that you want to discover, your guide will lead you on the best course fishing at this time.Here you can indulge in the joys of fly fishing and your guide, at your disposal, will give you advices on various techniques adapted to launch and land, fish and their habits, fishing strategies, insights aquatic environment, the choice of materials and flies.... Multiple tips will help you to improve your level quickly and boost your pleasure to practice this exciting activity.
Rates are :
1 day : 1 pers = 185 € ; 2 pers = 120 € ; 3 pers = 90 €.
2 days : 1 pers = 340 € ; 2 pers = 215 € ; 3 pers = 160 €.
3 days : 1 pers = 480 € ; 2 pers = 305 € ; 3 pers = 235 €.
4 days : 1 pers = 640 € ; 2 pers = 410 € ; 3 pers = 310 €.
5 days : 1 pers = 800 € ; 2 pers = 500 € ; 3 pers = 390 €.
Half day : 1 pers = 110 € ; 2 pers = 75 € ; 3 pers = 60 €.
The rates are per person. See general conditions for
more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.

An introduction to fly fishing
Fly fishing is a fishing technique accessible to many people.However, the beginner is often confused in choosing the material. It is also quickly discouraged by repeated failures in the implementation of this special and specific launch gesture. The role of this course is to overcome these initial problems and give to the beginner the keys to open the doors of this extraordinary world that is fly fishing.
The topics covered (varies according to delivery day or half day) :
Address the organization and regulation of fishing in France ;
Address fly fishing equipment ;Understand its features and functionalities ;
Learn the basics of the technique of fly fishing ;
Address nodes, bottom lines and flies from the core ;
Experience of equipment for fly-fisherman and the rules of basic safety ;
Depending on the progress in the assimilation of gestures, possibility of finding exit to the water's edge.
Rates are :
1 day : 1 pers = 185 € ; 2 pers = 120 € ; 3 pers = 90 €.
Half day: 1 pers = 110 € ; 2 pers = 75 € ; 3 pers = 60 €.
The rates are per person. See general conditions for more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.
Two days fly fishing stage
This 2-days course will enable the beginner to learn, during the first day, the technical basis necessary for the practice of fly fishing (see stage an introduction to fly fishing).
In the second day, these bases will be greatly strengthened and some simple fly-fishing situations will bring the novice to autonomy in the practice of fly-fishing.
Topics covered:
Address the organization and regulation of fishing in France ;
Know the fly fishing equipment ;
Understand its features and functionalities ;
Assimilate the technique basics of fly fishing ;
Know knots, flies and basic construction of leader ;
Know to assemble all components of the equipment;
Know the basic equipment of a fisherman and safety rules;
Address some fishing situations.
Rates are :
1 pers = 340 € ; 2 pers = 215 € ; 3 pers = 160 €.
The rates are per person. See general conditions for more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.
Three days fly fishing stage
This course is a deepening of the 2 days one and
can strengthen the foundations of the casting and
fly-fishing techniques.The fishing outings are onto
several places for a practical implementation of
these techniques.
Topics covered:
Address the organization and regulation of fishing in France ;
Know the fly fishing equipment ;
Understand its features and functionalities ;
Assimilate the technique basics of fly-fishing ;
Know knots, flies and basic construction of leader ;
Know to assemble all components of the equipment;
Know the basic equipment of a fisherman and safety rules;
Address several fishing situations onto different spots;
Address nymph fishing techniques.
Rates are :
1 pers = 480 € ; 2 pers = 305 € ; 3 pers = 235 €.
The rates are per person. See general conditions for more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.

Five days fly fishing stage
This service aims to make fully autonomous participant in the practice of fly fishing.
Topics covered:
Address the organization and regulation of fishing in France ;
Know all the fly fishing equipment ;
Understand its features and functionalities ;
Assimilate the basics of technical fly fishing ;
Know knots, flies and basic construction of leader ;
Know the basic equipment of a fisherman and safety rules ;
Know the characteristics and habits of trout and grayling ;
Know the major orders of aquatic insects and their life cycle ;
Understand the rules of life in the river ;
Know the basic strategic approaches in practice ;
Learn the basics of assembling flies.
Rates are:
1 pers = 800 € ; 2 pers = 500 € ; 3 pers = 390 €.
The rates are per person. See general conditions for more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.
Fly fishing with Tenkara technique
The Tenkara is a technique of a traditional Japanese fly fishing. The particularity of the Tenkara is the simplicity of its equipment based on a specific rod, a leader and a fly (no reel and silk).
The casting and fishing strategies are quiet similar to those used for fly fishing and Tenkara can be a great educational tool for the beginner fisherman who will be concerned with in the beginning of his learning (right-left gesture synchronization for example).
The course of a typical day is substantially like to the
description mentioned in the services called "guide fly
fishing" and "an introduction to fly fishing."
By the complementarity with the "conventional" fly
fishing technique, this course may of course be included
in a fly fishing stage.
Try it, you'll enjoy it!
Rates are :
1 day : 1 pers = 185 € ; 2 pers = 120 € ; 3 pers = 90 €.
Half day: 1 pers = 110 € ; 2 pers = 75 € ; 3 pers = 60 €.
The rates are per person.
See general conditions for more information.
Less 18 years old and students: 10% discount.

Fishing and aquatic environment tuitions (children)
These services aim to give young audiences a first
fishing and aquatic environment approach through
discovery fishing game. Fishing techniques discussed
depend on the age of children (6 to 16 years).
The durations range from 2 hours to a day and
even several days for specific school projects.
These activities are aimed at various facilities such as
recreation centers, schools, holiday resorts, campsites ...
The rates depend on the duration of the tuition, the
number of participants and the location.
So, please contact me and I will transmit you a
detailed cotation according to your project.

Guidings and trainings in the Basque Country
Please find the fishing services for the Basque Country. If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact Patrick Taillard.
Fishing techniques

Bla bla en fait je n'en sais rien, mais tu me le diras ;)

Here are some advices to choose the right service that you are looking for:
Course « Introduction to fly fishing »:
For the beginner fisherman wanting to test, find a fishing technique or simply spend a relaxing activity in a friendly environment.
Fly fishing course from 2 to 5 days:
These trainings are for the novice fisherman who knows that he will enjoy fly fishing.The duration selected is the degree of autonomy desired in the practical activity at the end of the course.
Guided fly fishing or training course from 0.5 to 5 days:
These services are for the fisherman who wants to quickly discover the best current spots and / or want to improve or learn a specific technique.This course may also be an analysis and upgrading of the fisherman’s level. In this sense, it is an ideal complement to a first stage.The duration is at the total convenience of the client.
To consider the capacity of concentration and motor skills of the young fisherman, and even if we of course consider the personality and motivation of each, the course must be chosen as a function of age. From 12 years: It is possible to integrate all courses with duration from 0.5 to 2 days.
Under 12 years:
It is best to participate in specific training 2 to 3 hours max. These courses are organized on request and the price depends on the number of participants.
I’ve recommended some accommodations choices for your trip. These have been selected, not only for their excellent value and the welcome you can expect from your hosts, but also their proximity to the waters where we will be fishing. If you have specific accommodation requirements, then just get in touch and I will help you find just what you are looking for.
Where and when?
Correze : from January to December.
Cevennes : March, April.
June, July, September, October : trips out of France.
These estimates may change according to the demands and fishing conditions. So, do not hesitate to contact me whatever the date and the region of your choice!